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100% success on 100 restaurants openings

About Pitaya :

100 restaurants

in the world

60 openings

scheduled for 2021

95% of restaurants

conducted Mytraffic studies

  • Needs: estimate the potential revenue of a location before opening a restaurant.
  • Solutions: quantitative and qualitative footfall data on a specific address.
  • Results: 100% of the restaurants opened after a study integrating Mytraffic data have achieved revenues in line or above forecasts.

How do you use footfall data today? 

Mytraffic is a fundamental step in our development process. Once we have pre-validated a location internally, franchisees or candidates are invited to make a data-driven study of their future location.

What added value does Mytraffic deliver?

Footfall data is the most important data in our decision process. First, we measure traffic intensity as a key criteria. Second, we analyse consumption times and competition. We like to set up in areas where there is an important fast-food activity because it means a dynamic environment for us. Finally, we study customers’ typology as our core customers are between 16 and 45 years old.

In concrete terms, what is the objective of these studies?

The goal is to determine the potential revenues that a location can generate in 3 to 5 years. The candidate can then build his business plan based on the revenues determined by Mytraffic’s study. The first point is to be sure that the forecasted revenues could allow a viable economic business. Moreover, Mytraffic’s study will reassure the banker.

95% of Pitaya restaurants that have opened today have conducted these Mytraffic studies

Stéphane Clément
Retail Expansion Director of Pitaya

Do you have any key results to date? 

We have been working with Mytraffic for 3 years now, which allows us to have sufficient hindsight. 95% of Pitaya restaurants that have opened today have conducted these Mytraffic studies. We are very reassured because for all our franchisees, the revenues were perfectly in line with the Mytraffic studies, and sometimes even underestimated: we only had great surprises. 

And since Covid-19? 

Today, among our network of 100 restaurants, not a single restaurant has been closed, has suffered a recovery plan, or has been liquidated. Our network revenues confirm the accuracy of Mytraffic studies. We still have great growth expectations- we have 60 openings scheduled for 2021.

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