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Location Intelligence: The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Real Estate

Location intelligence is reshaping Commercial Real Estate. Learn how to leverage analytics to attract tenants, negotiate leases, identify promising locations and bring visitors to your properties.

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3 main topics

  1. Leasing Location intelligence is key to every successful leasing strategy. Industry leaders need insights to attract tenants, find the right fit for empty units and negotiate leases.
  2. Investment Today, without insights, it's impossible to reduce risk when investing. Investors now need visitors' insights to power their decisions and identify promising locations.
  3. Marketing To build data-driven marketing strategies, marketing managers need location intelligence. It helps them target the right audiences and optimise their actions.
We use visitor insights to strengthen our sales pitch and reassure investors.
Jessica Jaoui Head of Retail Capital Markets @JLL

About Mytraffic

Mytraffic is the digital grade intelligence platform for physical places. Our SaaS platform provides accurate and dynamic information about physical locations: shopping centres, streets and city centres. We transform raw data into actionable insights and empower clients’ decisions, so they create physical experiences that matter. Our insights are accessible on a platform that is easy to access on demand.

Created in 2015, Mytraffic is growing fast, has more than 400 customers and is already present in 7 countries: France, England, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Spain.


Thanks to more than 5 years of research and development, Mytraffic has developed a set of complex algorithms able to handle terabytes of raw data points per year. We source data from the best providers. Data is collected, cleaned  & processed. Our software then transforms these data sets into easily accessible heatmaps, dynamic statistics and insights that respect the strictest GDPR compliance rules.

Our Mission

Its ambition is to set a standard for the quality and quantity of intelligence that real-world operators have access to. This means going beyond footfall analytics to encompass vehicle traffic, consumer behaviours, and other key metrics. Mytraffic’s ambition is to bring location analytics to the level of online analytics.

Learn more about our solution

Click here to discover our solution, tailored to Real Estate players. Use Mytraffic to develop powerful strategies based on meaningful, objective and actionable data.

We are twice as responsive to landlords, retailers and investors' requests.
Cédric Van Meerbeeck  Head of Research & Marketing @Cushman & Wakefield

100+ Real estate players and leaders in the industry trust us