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Implement a data-driven strategy.

Make faster and more profitable decisions for your billboards, LED and OOH advertising screens. Understand your customers' behaviour, monitor the footfall and the vehicle flow, anticipate market trends to guarantee your commercial success.

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Identify the best locations
Optimise your existing network
Compare your assets
Manage your strategy with data
Maximise ROI by focusing on the best regions and neighbourhoods through targeted actions
MyTraffic now you know

Identify the best locations

Confirm the potential of new locations using quantitative and qualitative success criteria for your billboards, LED and OOH advertising screens. with the heatmap immediately identify the hottest and coldest visitor zones

Socio-demographic profiling

Optimise your existing network

Analyse relocation opportunities, closures or cannibalisation risks. Use data to understand the over/under performance of a location and adjust your strategy based on precise data on visitors profile but also on footfall and vehicle flow. Discover the socio-demographic visitors profiling to enrich your advertising network with tangible and consistent data.

Footfall comparison

Compare your assets

To assess and measure the real value with third party data and make sure you match the performance expected. The value of a billboard correlates to footfall and vehicle flow data. Identify your strengths against the competition and compare your assets over time.

Marketing plan

Manage your strategy with data

Make sure you are addressing the right target clientele with your sites by qualifying the visitors who walk or drive near your billboards, LED and OOH advertising screens. Maximise ROI and understand the real impact of your campaigns by monitoring data.

Ready to Boost your business ?

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