We reduce the risks associated with expansion and increase the performance of our network.

Erwan De Guichen


Support our European expansion by relying on reliable location analytics.

Product used

of experience
20 years
Without MyTraffic
  • Reliance on limited data and intuition for expansion decisions
  • Challenges in assessing network performance and identifying success factors
  • Increased risks and costs in international market development
With MyTraffic
  • Data-driven expansion strategy and market analysis
  • Enhanced network performance and financial management
  • Efficient international expansion and location selection

Can you tell us about your expansion strategy and your objectives?

Erwan De Guichen: Amorino is an ice cream maker specialising in Italian Gelato. Our objective is to double the number of stores and go from 220 to 400 by 2025. We will open between 40 and 50 new stores every year. Our expansion depends on two main goals: increasing our market share and profitability.

Amorino supports and works in collaboration with franchisees to support the expansion and expand the network. We are already present in several European countries, such as France, England, Spain and Germany.

Why did you choose Mytraffic as a solution to strengthen your expansion strategy?

Erwan De Guichen: We've integrated this solution into our expansion strategy since 2020. Previously, Amorino did not have any internal solution for defining the relevance of opening a store. Data was not at the heart of our decision-making, and expansion required a huge amount of energy and time from our teams.

In addition, apart from turnover, there were a few indicators allowing us to understand the performance of our network. We, therefore, chose this solution to make our decision-making process more reliable and increase our internal knowledge.

How has the platform helped you in creating your expansion plan?

Erwan De Guichen: When we started using the tool, our expansion teams were tasked with conducting an in-depth analysis of our network. They screened our most efficient sales outlets. The aim was to observe similarities (traffic, seasonality, peak times) so that key success factors could be identified.

We identified the elements that contribute to the success of these sales outlets. Our aim is to list these criteria and to ensure that they are present in our future locations. This first step has enabled us to refine and build our expansion plan.

The sales and operations teams use our solution to identify performance levers in your sales outlets. Can you tell us more?

Erwan De Guichen: indeed, the tool does not only benefit the expansion team. The operations department at Amorino uses the platform as an actual performance assessment tool. The platform allows us to compare the evolution of traffic at our sales outlets. Our internal data allows us to calculate the transformation rate every month so that we can track the performance of our sales outlets.

We can now manage the network using quantitative elements that allow us to discuss issues with our partners and franchisees. When transformation rates are lower than those of other comparable sales outlets, our teams focus on issues related to visibility, sales force, marketing campaigns, etc. Mytraffic is a real financial management tool. We have access to factual elements that allow us to challenge our network.

You use the solution at a European level: how are you managing your international expansion?

Erwan De Guichen: It is harder to develop internationally when we have limited knowledge on the real estate market. However, thanks to the platform, we can access pedestrian traffic instantly in 6 countries. We save time and gain expertise.

One example is London, where we started opening new stores recently. We work with a local partner to gain an understanding of the market. Also, with Mytraffic we identify interesting locations and prevent ourselves from going in the wrong direction. The tool was key in our discussions with landlords and lease negotiations. Location analytics helps us to reach a common ground and combine two visions.

How do you think location intelligence has transformed the role of expansion managers at Amorino?

Erwan De Guichen: Today, our teams are not only real estate experts; they also add a financial dimension to expansion. They have more responsibility since their decisions are based on quantifiable elements. Cost-effectiveness is now at the heart of decision-making and the tool allows us to reinforce our strategies by adding figures.

There has also been a significant decrease in expansion-related costs. Our teams no longer make unnecessary journeys; less time is wasted, and every appointment has a specific objective. For our development team, a trip is equivalent to a deal.

Final word?

Erwan De Guichen: In the current economic climate, it is no longer possible to allow the same margin of error as in the past. The financial risk is higher and rental values are increasing. We reduce the risks associated with expansion and increase the performance of our network. Our long-term objective is to extend the use of the platform among all our teams.

With more than 15 years of experience as General Manager in the retail sector, Erwin De Guichen is an expert in international strategy, expansion and development.

Erwan De Guichen


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