We increased the number of visitors by 16% at Beaugrenelle centre.

Véronique Ottelard

Marketing and communication director

Analysing the performance of shopping centres and obtaining more accurate data on catchment areas.

Product used

assets under management
real estate in portfolio
Projects in development
Commercial Real Estate
Without MyTraffic
  • Basic counting tools with limited insights
  • Challenges in competitive benchmarking
  • Less effective targeting and campaign impact assessment
With MyTraffic
  • Refined and accurate customer data
  • Enhanced competitive performance analysis
  • Precise targeting and campaign evaluation

Apsys has been a major player in commercial real estate for 25 years and currently manages 35 assets thanks to a comprehensive development property model.

What is your role within Apsys?

Véronique Ottelard: After two years as Operational Marketing Manager at Apsys' head office, where I was coordinating marketing for the entire network, I was appointed as the Marketing and Communication Director at Beaugrenelle, while still carrying out cross-functional marketing tasks for the group.

What are your challenges as Marketing Director?

V.O. : The major role of marketing is to make Beaugrenelle stand out as the destination shopping address for Parisians and also for tourists visiting Paris. Due to the current climate, online shopping has developed strongly meaning it is essential to have a hybrid model that allows us to improve all of our customer services in order to enhance the customer experience and the physical purchase process, and to be also present on the internet to keep in constant contact with the rest of our customers.

How did you do before Mytraffic?

V.O. : We have always had counting tools to analyse our traffic. We also use quantitative and qualitative studies to define our marketing action plans and to have a more refined knowledge of our customers. And recently, we have adopted a technological solution based on IP addresses of visitors.

Why did you choose Mytraffic?

V.O. : Mytraffic is a powerful SaaS solution that allows us to have more refined and accurate data.

It allows us to have a finer vision than our existing solutions because we can analyse our performance compared to our competitors over the past months, know the penetration rates on our catchment areas and observe the swing areas on our catchment areas. These are criteria that we did not have with our previous counting tools.

Examples where Mytraffic helped you in your decisions?

V.O.: For the reopening, we set up a digital media campaign, based on social networks, where we presented our new brands in order to mobilise our customers with events. In order to set up a very precise targeting on a geographical area, we called upon Mytraffic to understand our strengths and weaknesses on the catchment area and to determine the areas where we have loyal customers and which areas have a great potential. We were able to refine our targeting, and this is very valuable because we will have an extremely precise ROI that we will be able to match with the digital performance of our agency. Also we will be able to evaluate the impact of our campaign on the centre's traffic and turnover.

A final word?

V.O. : We have a real close relationship with Mytraffic. Obviously we are now going further on our customer journey and finding our what additional value the solution can deliver.

As head of the Marketing and Communication Department at Beaugrenelle, Véronique Ottelard has wide experience in retail with the clothing group Michel Devryn and in event management with Comexposium.

Véronique Ottelard

Marketing and communication director

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